Make Your Own Resurrection Garden

by | Mar 31, 2023 | Uncategorized | 7 comments

Easter is coming, and one way I like to prepare for Holy Week and Easter is to make a Resurrection Garden from items I have around my house and garden. This is also a fun and creative way you can share the Easter story with your children or grandchildren, or just enjoy it yourself. I shared this idea on Facebook last year, and several friends took up the challenge and shared photos of their Resurrection Gardens. You can see several of those below. I’m sorry I didn’t saved their names with the photos.

My 2022 Resurrection Garden.

If you’d like to make one, here are the steps. Use a plate, pie tin, or low round container for the base. Fill it with a shallow layer of potting soil, then lay a mug on its side in the soil as the empty tomb. Pack moist dirt over the top of the mug. Cover the tomb with moss and press it gently into the soil. If you don’t have moss you could use Spanish (craft/floral) moss or low plants from your yard. Create a path with small stones. Look for small plants to add to the garden. Find a bigger rock and place it next to the tomb. Use twigs and thread or string to form the crosses. Poke them into the hill over the tomb. Add a He is Risen sign taped to toothpick. Spray it with water a few times a day to keep it healthy through Easter.

Below you’ll see a few of the resurrection gardens made by my friends. I like the way each one is unique. They used whatever they had available. If you’d like to see a demonstration of the steps, here is a link to a YouTube video.  She makes a similar project with items from the Dollar Store. So even if you live in an apartment, you can still purchase the items you need to make your own resurrection garden.

I hope these projects inspire you, and you’ll make your own resurrection garden. If you do, I’d love to see yours! You can reply to this email or post it on social media and tag me. Most of all, I wish a very joy-filled and meaningful Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday!




  1. Terri Gillespie

    These are so sweet, Carrie. What a beautiful reminder that the tomb was empty!

    • Carrie Turansky

      Thank you, Terri. It is fun but also meaningful project to get my hands in the dirt and form that empty tomb. I use a spray bottle and mist is all week to keep it alive from Palm Sunday to Easter.

  2. Joan Cimorelli

    This is a meanful, wonderful project. We all need to remember the real meaning of Easter.

  3. Cindy Pye

    I love all the pictures! I can’t wait for us to make ours!

  4. Carrie Lourenco

    Such a neat idea! I can’t wait to start this tradition with my grand kids.

  5. Marsha K Weaver

    Thank you so much for sharing. Many the members of our church congregation are going to make a garden this year. I am so excited to share your blog.

  6. Cindy Pye

    Thank you so much for sharing this! It’s such a worshipful activity to do, I think. It’s been years since I’ve made one since our kids are grown. I’m thinking of making this a family activity with devotions ti go with it next year.


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