Hi Friends,
There is an old Girl Scout song that goes like this: “Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other’s gold.” There is a lot of wisdom in those lyrics, and that song has stayed with me for many years. Maintaining long time friendships can be a challenge, especially when you or your friends move and there are many miles that separate you from each other. But I’ve found that working to maintain those friendships is definitely worth the effort.
Shellee Kennedy and Cindy Bowling are two of my special long-time friends. Our friendship developed when we were young brides living in Hawaii over 25 years ago. We were all raising young children at the time and we worked on the staff of our church. We did all kinds of crazy things together as girlfriends and as couples.
It was a real joy to see them not too long ago when we all returned to Hawaii for the anniversary celebration of our church on Oahu. What a treat to be together again and hear how God has been working in their lives and enjoy that bond of love and friendship again. Hearing Shellee’s special laugh, and watching the caring way Cindy interacted with her family touched my heart deeply. Our time together reminded me once again that long time friendships should be treasured . . . like pure gold.
Do you have a long time friend who is special to you? Please tell us about her.
Great blog Carrie and so much fun to see Shellee Kennedy and Cindy Bowling again
Hi Mom, thanks for stopping by. Yes, they are two very special ladies! It was a joy to see so many of my long time friends on that visit to Hawaii.
Yes, Carrie. I also have a long-time friend that I thank God for. Her name is Lynn. We met the night before kindergarten when she was walking her dog in the baby carriage outdoors and I was waiting for my mother to go in from trimming the lawn. Now we are 56 years old, and have been in one-another’s weddings, and supported each other through the loss of 3 of our 4 parents. We have also had the joy of watching the Lord bring her brother Mike into the kingdom. What an amazing gift a friend is, and I will always be grateful for Lynn!
Hi Luanne, How fun to hear the way you and Lynn met! I didn’t realize it was that long ago. It’s so great you have maintained that friendship over the years. Lynn is a wonderful person! Please tell her hello from me next time you talk.
What a sweet blog with a great reminder to treasure friendships. Thanks, Carrie–and thanks for your friendship.
Hi Terri, thanks for stopping by! You are one of those new “silver” friends that I treasure. Thanks for your kindness and encouragement!
Such good reminders to invest in our friendships!
One of my long time friends is named Kathy, and we met when our children were toddlers in Story Time at the public library. That must have been about 26 or 27 years ago. Now, we’re celebrating the birth of grandchildren. Kathy’s daughter just had a little boy and my daughter is due to deliver a little girl in October. How special to celebrate the seasons of life with dear friends!
More recent dear friends include you, Carrie, and Terri. Your friendships truly bless me!
Hi Cathy, thanks for stopping by and sharing about your friend Kathy. Silver and Gold friendships are a gift from the Lord. Thank you for being one of my dear silver friends!