Cover Reveal & Giveaway

by | Jul 7, 2017 | Giveaways, My Books, Uncategorized | 162 comments

Hi Friends,

I’m excited to show you the cover of my next English historical novel, Across the Blue and tell you about a special giveaway . . . but before I do, let me tell you a little about the story and characters.

The Heroine – Isabella Grayson, is the eldest daughter of a wealthy, English newspaper magnate. She longs to become a journalist, but her parents don’t approve. They want her to marry well and help them gain a higher standing in society. After she writes an anonymous letter to the editor that impresses her father, her parents reluctantly agree she can write a series of articles about aviation and the race to fly across the English Channel, but only if she promises to accept a marriage proposal within the year.

The Hero – James Drake, is an aspiring aviator, and when he crashes his flying machine at the Grayson’s new estate, Bella is intrigued. James is determined to be the first to fly across the Channel and win the prize Mr. Grayson’s newspaper is offering. He hopes it will help him secure a government contract to build airplanes and redeem a terrible family secret. James wants to win Bella’s heart, but his background and lack of social standing make it unlikely her parents would approve. If he fails to achieve his dream, how will he win the love and respect he is seeking? Will Bella’s faith and support help him find the strength and courage he needs when unexpected events turn their world upside down?

Ready to see the beautiful cover?

I’m thrilled with the design! It perfectly captures Kent, England, and the white Cliffs of Dover, which play a huge part in this story. Bella’s hat is divine and just right for the 1909 time period. And when you see how fragile James’s airplane really is, it makes you appreciate his courage in attempting to be the first to fly across the English Channel!

I can’t wait to share Across the Blue with you! It releases February 20, 2018, and you can preorder a copy from your favorite retailer by following this link.

If you’re on GoodReads I hope you’ll click this link and add it to your “To Read” list!

And now I have a Giveaway for you! Help me spread the word, and you can enter in a drawing for a set of my four English historical novels: The Governess of Highland Hall, The Daughter of Highland Hall, A Refuge at Highland Hall, and Shine Like the Dawn! To enter just share this post on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or other social media sight and then leave a comment below, telling me where you shared it. I’ll draw one winner on Thursday, July 13th. If a US winner is chosen he or she will receive paperback copies, and if an international winner is chosen he or she will receive eBooks. Thanks for helping me spread the word about Across the Blue!

Until Next Time ~ Happy Reading!



  1. Andrea Cox

    Carrie, what a beautiful cover! I shared it on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I hope the release goes well!

  2. Amy T Hassett

    Hi Carrie!
    Beautiful book cover, I shared on Facebook and Pinterest!

  3. Lucy Reynolds

    Gorgeous, lovely, fabulous! I can’t wait, as I know it will be great. I shared on FB, Pinterest, and Goggle! Blessings on your release.

  4. Renee Jackson

    Ms. Carrie – love the cover and looks like a wonderful read. I shared on Facebook!

    Have a blessed day!

  5. Deanne Patterson

    Carrie,good morning to you. I have read a few of your Love Inspired books but none of your full length novels, The cover of Across The Blue is gorgeous! I am most excited to read it and your four English historical novels. I have some catching up to do 🙂
    I have shared your cover reveal on Facebook,Twitter,G+,LinkedIn and Pinterest. Congratulations on not only Across The Blue but all of your releases!

  6. Elma Brooks

    As always you do have beautiful covers.
    I shared on facebook.Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Jocelyn Green

    Carrie, this cover is breathtaking!! I adore it! Congratulations. And the story sounds just as wonderful! Can’t wait to read it!

  8. Kailey Bechtel

    That’s a beautiful cover!! Can’t wait to read it. I shared it on Facebook.

  9. Meredith

    I shared on Pinterest. I really like the cover!


  10. Cathy

    Looking forward to this new release, as I very much enjoyed Shine Like The Dawn. The cover is very compelling! I shared on Facebook.

  11. Gretchen Bauder

    I tweeted! So excited and I live the cover art. The story sounds just like my idea of a good read ?

  12. Susan Snodgrass

    Lovely cover!

  13. Cheryl H.

    Lovely cover!

    I shared via email, Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter!

  14. Karen K.

    Ooh, this is gorgeous! I can’t wait to read Across the Blue! It reminds me of Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines. I love that movie!

    • Karen K.

      Oh, I forgot to add that I shared this post on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!

  15. Tina Turpin

    Best cover yet!!! So excited for you and this release. ?

  16. Mary Tullila

    Beautiful cover ! Shared to Facebook and Twitter.

  17. Kimberly

    Love the cover, it looks beautiful! I am so excited to read this one! I shared on Facebook. Thank you!

  18. Melissa Henderson

    Beautiful cover! I look forward to reading the story. I shared on Facebook, Pinterest and Google+ 🙂

  19. Darci Paice

    Looks like a bunch of fantastic summer reads, sign me up please 🙂

  20. Judi Imperato

    Carrie, the cover is beautiful! The story line sounds very interesting, I am looking forward to when it comes out. I posted this on facebook. Thank you for the opportunity to win your books.

  21. Michele Hayes

    I love the cover. Shared on FB, Twitter and Pinterest.

  22. Christi Lang

    I love this! Cannot wait to read it! I come from a family that loves flying. I shared on Facebook

  23. Trisha Robertson

    Good Morning Carrie! The cover for Across the Blue is beautiful. I’m excited to be able to team up with you to share this beautiful book reveal and the first line on my blog today!
    I’m looking forward to reading Isabella’s story! Have a blessed day! ((hugs))

  24. Grace Hitchcock

    Beautiful cover! I shared on Pinterest and Twitter 🙂

  25. Susanne

    Shared on Facebook. Beautiful cover… can’t wait to read this one!

  26. Danie walther

    I shared your beautiful picture of your new book on Pinterest.

  27. Lori Parrish

    Beautiful cover!! I’m such a sucker for beautiful book covers

  28. J'nell Ciesielski

    Another gorgeous cover! Shared.

    • Carrie Turansky

      Thank you, J’nell!

  29. Cathy Gohlke

    Carrie, this is a stunning cover! The storyline is intriguing and compelling, and I just can’t wait to read it! I shared on Facebook.

    • Carrie Turansky

      Thank you, Cathy!


    Shared on Facebook!

  31. Leslie Waters

    Beautiful cover. I shared on Facebook and Twitter.

  32. Amy

    Carrie, I don’t think I have had the privilege of reading your books yet. This cover really caught my eye and the book sounds intriguing. Hope I get the chance to read it.

    • Amy

      Forgot to include that I shared to pinterest, Facebook, G+

  33. Coleen Jejeran

    Lovely !
    shared it to Facebook !

  34. Coleen Jejeran

    shared to pinterest as well :o)

  35. Ola K Norman

    I shared on Facebook. Love the cover.

  36. Renee Schultz

    Shared on facebook Carrie. Even though I own most of your books I would love to win a set for my church library. I recently loaned mine out to someone from church and you now have another reader fan who likes your books.

  37. Joan Arning

    Shared on Facebook. Am anxious to read!

  38. Theresa N

    I shared on twitter. They’re all beautiful covers.

  39. kristine morgan

    I shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I can’t wait to read this, your books never fail to delight!

  40. Olivia

    Beautiful cover…I keep seeing it everywhere now!! I’ve heard great things about all your books! I shared on Pinterest 🙂

  41. Dawn Dannenbrink

    Carrie, I shared it on my FB feed…..hope others can develop an interest in your books like I have! Thx for giving me my first book!!! It’s been shared a few times over now.

  42. Jenny Waugh

    Beautiful Cover and Intriguing Story!
    Shared on Pinterest.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  43. Jane Squires

    Going to share on fb. Would love to win

  44. Sue Cozart

    Beautiful cover. Makes me want to read this book ! Love your books. So interesting.

  45. Marilyn

    Looking forward to reading this. I shared your post on Facebook.

  46. Breezy Beckler

    This cover makes me so excited to read the book! Well done! I really enjoy all your books. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing. ?

    • Breezy Beckler

      I shared on Facebook!

  47. Vicky D

    Can’t wait for this book! Shared on twitter.

  48. Joelle Rau

    I would read it just from looking at the cover! It’s beautiful! Shared in Facebook!

  49. Rose

    Love the cover! I shared on Facebook. Need to figure out how to share on the other sites. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  50. Winnie Thomas

    It’s a beautiful cover, Carrie! It looks and sounds fascinating. I shared it on Pinterest.

  51. Janet Grunst

    Congratulations, Carrie. What a gorgeous cover, and a fascinating sounding story. I shared on Facebook and Twitter.

  52. Janet Evans

    Shared on fb/twitter.

  53. Rebecca Tellez

    Oh Carrie this is a beautiful cover. I can hardly wait to open it up and read the story. I pinned it, tweeted it, shared on Facebook and Google +

  54. peggy clayton

    Love the cover and i have shared it 2 times on facebook! so pretty.

  55. Lynda E.

    I shared on Pinterest–thanks for the giveaway. I love that cover–absolutely stunning!

  56. Deana Dick

    Such a breathtaking cover. Shared on Facebook.

  57. Mary Kay Moody

    Oh Carrie, truly a stunning cover & so evocative. Spot on! Story sounds great. Recently watched a film re: Lindbergh’s US-Paris flight, so I’m eager to read this one.

    I shared on Twitter and FB, liked on Goodreads & posted in Pinterest. I think it’s fair to say I LIKE it. 🙂

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy. Blessings, Mary Kay

  58. Sabrina Templin

    A Beautiful cover! I love planes.
    I shared on Facebook 🙂

  59. Sabrina Templin

    I also shared on Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest! 😀

  60. Daniele K

    Lovely cover. I shared on Facebook and Pinterest. Thank you for the chance to win.

  61. Anne Payne

    Congratulations on another gorgeous cover design! 🙂
    The story sounds great and I look forward to reading it.

  62. Trixi

    Hi Carrie! Just like with all your covers, this is gorgeous 🙂
    I’ve shared this on FB, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and added it to my Goodreads want-to-read list.

    Can’t wait for this one!

  63. BJMarley

    I shared on Pinterest and marked as Want to Read on Goodreads.

  64. Abby

    I shared on Facebook. I love the cover! It’s beautiful and captivating. Can’t wait to read.

  65. Lucyl

    Shared on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. And Google + just because 🙂

  66. Andréa Ihle

    Beautiful cover. I can’t wait to read it. ? Congratulations.
    Shared on Facebook, Twitter & Pintrest.

  67. Dianne Casey

    Love the cover, Carrie. Looking forward to reading the book. Shared on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

  68. Ashley Johnson

    This book sounds great! And the cover is beautiful! I have shared on instagram, Facebook groups, twitter, Pinterest, and Litsy!

  69. Christina Chastain

    I Shared on facebook! As always, your book covers make me greatly anticipate the release of the book! February seems so far away! I will have to reread the others to get me through!

  70. Linda Monroe Ward

    The book sounds great! And the cover is absolutely amazing! I’m looking forward to reading it.

  71. Linda Monroe Ward

    I just shared the book on Facebook and Pinterest. Looking forward to its release in February!

  72. Amanda T.

    I shared on Twitter and Pinterest.

    Love the new cover!

  73. Gail Hollingsworth

    Shared on Facebook and Pinterest.

  74. Rose McCauley

    Love the cover, Carrie. I shared it on FB, twitter andgoogle+

  75. LuCinda LaMay

    I love the cover! Shared on Facebook.

  76. Elly

    I shared on Facebook and Twitter. I’m super excited about this giveaway!
    Elly -Indiana-

  77. Shelia Hall

    Beautiful cover! I shared on Facebook!

  78. Janet Estridge

    Great looking cover. I can’t wait to see what’s inside.

  79. Rebecca

    I shared on Twitter!

  80. Adrienne Everitt

    Shared on Facebook and Twitter. What a beautiful cover!

  81. Kaitlyn

    Amazing cover, I can’t wait to read the book!

    I shared on Pinterest, google, and Twitter

  82. Dianne Noland

    I shared on Facebook. I love all of your books! I can’t wait to read this one! Is it a stand-alone? Thanks for the chance to win!

  83. Terressa T.

    Gorgeous cover! I cannot wait to read the story. I have shared on Facebook.

  84. Jennifer Torres

    Wow, the cover is stunning!!!
    I posted it on Pinterest and will let all my friends know. Can’t wait to read your new book!

  85. Lori Smanski

    oh wow this is a gorgeous cover. this story sounds like it would keep me on the edge of my chair.
    I shared on twitter and pinterest

  86. Connie Hendryx

    Love the cover and sounds like a great book! Shared on my Facebook timeline…thanks for the giveaway!

  87. Tami le Roux

    Shared on Facebook.

  88. Amy

    Shared on Facebook

  89. Nancy Griggs

    What a great cover! I shared on Facebook.

  90. Una Ireland

    I shared on Facebook.

  91. Michelle Crandall

    I really like this cover. I can’t wait to read another book by you! I shared it on Facebook.

  92. Becky T

    Shared on Pinterest and Facebook. The cover is gorgeous, and the plot sounds amazing!

  93. Paula S.

    Lovely cover. Can’t wait to read this interesting book! I shared on Facebook.

  94. Connie Scruggs

    So excited for you! I shared on Facebook and Twitter.
    Blessings on the new book.

  95. Kathy Jacob

    Beautiful! The cover is perfect! I shared on Facebook and Pinterest.

  96. Linda May

    The books looks amazing, I’m sharing on Facebook, Thanks for this generous chance.

  97. Claudia Thompson

    I shared…Lovely cover…can’t wait to read!

  98. Monica H

    I love the new cover. They are all beautiful though. I shared on Pinterest and Twitter.

  99. Cynthia Roemer

    A beautiful, eye-catching cover design!! Love it. Story sounds great too! Congrats, Carrie!

  100. Cynthia St. Germain

    Thank you for another beautiful cover. You have wonderful covers on all of your books.

  101. Tina Rice

    Wow, beautiful cover, Carrie! Congratulations! I can’t wait to read it.

    I shared on facebook, Google+ & Pinterest.
    Blessings, Tina

  102. Amy

    I shared on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter!
    The cover is gorgeous! I can’t wait to read the book!

  103. Mary Wagenbach

    Exquisite cover! I posted on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr and Google+. Hope that helps sell some copies! Exciting news for you and it looks great to read!

  104. Caryl Kane

    Carrie, this cover is STUNNING!

    Shared on Facebook, Pinterest and Google+

  105. Carolyn

    Can’t wait to read it, shared on facebook :).

  106. Donna B

    I shared on twitter. Such a beautiful cover on Across The Blue as well as your other books. Thank you for this giveaway.

  107. Debbie Clatterbuck

    Love the new book’s cover, Carrie. I shared on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck everyone.

  108. CutePolarBear

    Does Goodreads count as a social media platform? I don’t have any other social media accounts.


  109. Angelique

    Awesome cover. I shared it on Facebook and Pinterest

  110. Jonna Marsh

    Great cover and giveaway! Shared on Facebook!

  111. Loraine Nunley

    Congrats on your new book Carrie! The cover is absolutely beautiful. I am so excited to add this to my reading list.
    I shared this post on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.

  112. Kimberly

    Hi Carrie ?

    I love this cover, and am looking forward to this story!

    I shared this on Facebook ?

  113. Rory Lynn Lemond

    Stunning cover that shows the essence of the story…shared 2 times on Facebook and twitter….Thanks for the chance…

  114. Sherri R Myers

    Love this cover, book sounds really good too!! Shared on Fb

  115. Raechel L.

    What a beautiful cover!! I love it.
    I shared on Pinterest and Twitter -thank you!

  116. Lori Ewing

    The cover is gorgeous!! I cannot wait to read yghis book, it sounds wonderful!! I shared this on Facebook.?

  117. Elisabeth Espinoza

    Stunning cover! I posted a link to this page on my Facebook timeline. I’m looking forward to reading Across the Blue!

  118. Rebekah

    Shared to Facebook!

  119. Airieanne Andrews

    Shared my Goodreads “Want to Read” and your cover rereal website on Facebook.

  120. Nina Rowan

    I shared on Twitter.

    • Carrie Turansky

      Thanks, Nina!

  121. Beth Bullington

    I pinned this. It looks like a good book. We recently took the ferry from Dover to France and loved seeing the White Cliffs.

    • Carrie Turansky

      Hi Beth, that’s fun to hear you just traveled across the English Channel. I hope you enjoy Across the Blue and it brings back happy memories for you!

  122. Evangeline

    Beautiful cover! You are a new author to me, and I would love to read your book. ?

  123. Jennifer

    Love the cover! Looking forward to reading this book. I shared it on Pinterest

  124. Elizabeth

    I pinned this to Pinterest.

  125. Brenda Scruggs

    I can’t wait to read this! My maiden name is Kendall and I traced my ancestry back to Kent. In my research, Kendall means, church by the river. And. my married name Scruggs means river also.
    Love the book cover!
    I will share on facebook.

  126. susan beamon

    Do really like the cover. Posted to Facebook and Twitter.
    Added to my Goodread TBR list.

  127. Brenda Murphree

    I shared on FB, Twitter & Pinterest. I Love the cover! I hope to win your books! Thanks for this great giveaway!!

  128. Pat Moore

    The cover is beautiful and the blurb caught my attention. Would love to win and read this book. You would be a new author for me. Looking forward to reading your book whether I win or not.

  129. Jeanne Crea

    I re-tweeted your tweet about this Giveaway! Kate Breslin has recommended your books and I can’t wait to start reading! Thank you for the chance to win. I would be thrilled!

  130. Becky Eldredge

    Hi Carrie!
    I shared on twitter. The new cover looks great, and the story sounds so good! I added as a “to read” on Goodreads!

  131. Bhriv

    Great cover and sounds like a great storyline, Carrie…but the release sounds like so far away :/ 🙂 I shared it on Twitter and Pinterest. Excited to see so many talking about it on FB, too!

    • Carrie Turansky

      Hi Bhriv, February does seem like a long time to wait for the release. I agree! Have you read my other books? That might keep you busy until February. Here’s a link to my book list: Happy Reading!

  132. Sam

    Hope to read this soon! Shared on Facebook and wish you tons of success with Across the Blue! Congratulations!

  133. Emmalisa Tilli

    Shared on Facebook and twitter and then when I went to do Pinterest I lost what I was doing because it went into the app, and nothing came up. Will give it another try. I never have won a competition in my life and recently my sister won a cruise, now I am trying hard to win a competition! Haha!!!! You know me, I would be happy with a book! Especially yours. The Governess of Highland Hall has made a huge impact on me and the story never leaves me. My sister says I rave on about it just a tad! Haha! Shared this post on Facebook too I think! I love your writing…. a modern day Jane Austen.

    • Carrie Turansky

      Thank you Emmalisa!

  134. Brenda Soto

    Love the cover! It draws you in right away. I am sharing this on Facebook. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    • Carrie Turansky

      Thanks for sharing, Brenda!

  135. Kim Ferrell

    Thank you for a chance to win a set of your works. The cover is very well done and leaves you with a sense of missing something, drawing you into opening and reading.

  136. Marion

    I shared on facebook. The book looks like a wonderful read.

  137. Pam Myers

    The cover is beautiful and looks very intriguing can’t wait to read it Love all your books

  138. Tina Wyatt

    The cover is so pretty . Would love to read it . Thanks for the giveaway .

  139. Marion

    I did Pinterest and Facebook

  140. Kate Yetter

    The covers on all your books are so eye catching! I know they say you can’t choose a book based on its cover but I still do. It is the first thing I look for. I shared your giveaway on Twitter, and pinterest. Thanks for the giveaway. Hoping I win!

  141. Nancy Luebke

    Love the cover. What an interesting topic too. Shared on my facebook.

  142. Michelle Fidler

    Shared on Facebook. The books sound great. I discovered your books by finding one at the library in the new books section.

  143. Melissa Mathis

    I shared this on Facebook!

  144. Dianna

    Shared on Twitter (@dedezoomsalot) and Pinterest (Savinginseconds)

    The cover is gorgeous. Congrats!

  145. Laurie Iglesias

    That is a lovely cover!! And what an attractive website you have. I shared the post on Twitter.

  146. Brooke Irwin

    I shared on Facebook! The book looks great!


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